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Church Gardens – April 2023

Three years on from the start of lockdown we’ve been on Perthshire Spring breaks, Connie to Grantully in the snow and Liz to Kinloch Rannoch where the weather was been really mild with new born lambs and midges in evidence. Here are photos of a visitor to the window of Connie’s cottage and some grass croppers viewed from the balcony at Kinloch Rannoch. 

Looking forward with anticipation to Holy Week and the evening services on Thursday and Friday, the Sunday all age services and Ordination of new Elders. 

The notice board in the Wildlife Garden has been recently updated and shows Easter story eggs, acrostic bible verse and a fun Scavenger Hunt. Good to see bulbs in pots placed amongst the daffodils recently. The Bonsai Man is also donating tree seedlings to the garden so look out for them too.

And most of all – Easter Day when we say – He is not here: He has risen! Luke 24:6