Autumn/ winter time is a time to prepare for our wildlife. Solitary bees, butterflies, bats etc are all seeking a winterhome. Battening down the hatches to survive the winter ahead.
In our Muddy church garden we have our hedgehog den just waiting for a tenant and also our bug/butterfly house & bird box waiting patiently for their tenants. Solitary bees pick an individual cell and block up the entrance to protect themselves against the elements and predators.
To all you tidy gardeners now is the time to leave that pile of leaves and leave at least part of your borders to provide food and shelter. Border plants have food providing seed heads and when the stems fall to the ground they can provide shelter for some of our smaller visitors.
Planting nectar rich bulbs now will be a huge bonus to emerging bees etc in the spring. This is a boost for them as they have fasted over the winter.
Also planting bare root trees such as hawthorn, alder and willow as individuals or as a hedge attracts bats, hedgehogsand moths to name a few in spring time.
So good preparation now can provide our wildlife with the food and shelter they require in spring after a long cold winter.
After that it’s time to sit back and wait patiently for spring to come so you can enjoy the treat of watching wildlife choose your garden as they sleepily emerge. A truly natural privilege.
PS, heres hoping our visiting hedgehog chooses our wee den this year 🤞🤞🤞