February has been a short, quick month. It’s always lovely to see the spring bulbs especially the snowdrops. I didn’t realise just how many types of snowdrops there were in the UK until I started joining in with some botany surveys. Renfrewshire is home to the snowflake which is such a pretty snowdrop. It was only discovered there a few years ago and my botanist friend got the privilege of reporting it, I was lucky enough to be there when he found it. Everyday is a school day.
The church eco garden also has a lovely show of spring flowers. The ring of friendship around the tree is formed with daffodils and is well on its way to bloom.

Our theme this year is to try and plant flowers with a special meaning so fingers crossed we get some success.
Next month we will bring more news about the Garden Twinning which is to celebrate the church’s 150th Anniversary..
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