Church Garden – July 2021

Well the weather has been mixed the month of June but always more to do and see in the garden. We’re waiting for stalks and leaves of the bulbs to die off before lifting, allowing them to concentrate their energy into the bulb for next year, this also makes the...

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Church Garden update for June

June has come around so fast with lots of things happening.  The Spring bulbs are still flowering although nearing a transitional period to summer flowering plants.  Its such a positive time of year with new beginnings all around. The birds eggs are hatching into tiny fluff balls with legs, very...

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Church garden update for May

April has been a kind month for the garden. The gorgeous spring bulbs have given a cascade of colour and continue to flower.The trees are now in full blossom giving a spectacular display of lovely pink across the whole garden.Work wise it has been quiet with an occasional tidy up...

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Church Garden

The formal garden has been a riot of colour this year as usual thanks to the Uddingston Pride volunteers. The lawns etc. are looked after by our professional Gardener but there was a corner, rather neglected and unloved which has been worked on by socially distanced church folk, during the...

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