Stained Glass Windows

Uddingston Old Parish is blessed to have a large number of beautiful stained glass windows located within the Church. Here are selection for you to admire. Click on any picture to start a slide show. Thanks go to Robert McLaughlin for the pictures.

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Ministers of Uddingston Old Parish

Reverend Fiona McKibbin MA (Hons), BD Min (Hons) The ministry of Fiona McKibbin began in 2011 and she continues to lead and inspire in the tradition of Church of Scotland worship which has prevailed in the village for over 140 years.   Reverend N. B. McKee BD Norman McKee was...

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The Churches and two World Wars

Amongst those from the Uddingston churches who served in the Great War was the then Minister of Uddingston Parish Church, the Rev. C. W. G. Taylor. His message to the congregation in his church report for December 1916 was written from the trenches in northern France where he served in...

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Douglas Hamilton Stained Glass Windows

Did you know that some of our Stained Glass windows are causing a stir as far away as Melton Mowbray?We recently received a communication from the Rev. Hopewell who is currently working on a part time M.PHIL on the Stained Glass of the Glaswegian designer Douglas Hamilton (1895-1959).As part of...

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A History of Uddingston Old

 Uddingston Old Parish came into being in 1982 after the union of Trinity Parish Church with Chalmers Church in 1982. However, in their separate charges the roots of Uddingston Old have been in place since 1871 and 1874 respectively. Introduction Chalmers Church had its beginnings in a Bothwell Free Church...

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Church History

A SHORT HISTORY OF OUR CHURCH: THE STORY OF UDDINGSTON OLD Uddingston Old has its roots in the resolutions to build two distinct Churches in the 1870s. Over the years, both Churches have enjoyed vibrant worship, finally joining together in 1982 to form Uddingston Old Parish Church.   More

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